Ramadan amongst many things, is a time to assess and break free of a lot of habits, especially our attachment to food.

Many of us eat without second thought and sometimes excessively. Ramadan being spiritual journey for muslims, is also a wonderful opportunity to nourish our bodies, allow for major detoxification, and more. This program provides an opportunity for us to better understand the foods we eat, as well as provide tools and tips to a conscious diet and eating habits.

2 Live Virtual Classes

Drop-in Session for 1 on 1 Coaching

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Virtual Class 1

Saturday April 4th | 11:30AM-12:30PM | On Zoom

  • Discussion about our previous ramadan food experience

  • Learn about the importance of nutrition in Ramadan

  • Explore the function of macronutrients and micronutrients in the body

  • Learn some symptoms related to digestive discomfort and what they mean

Virtual Class 2

Saturday April 10th | 11:30AM-12:30PM | On Zoom

  • Conversation surrounding modification of typical meals and diets during ramadan and tips to improve them

  • Discussion around;

    • Staying hydrated

    • Exercising

    • Taking supplements

    • And more!

Drop-in Sessions

April 18
April 25
May 2
15 Minutes Per Session

Drop-in sessions are designed for those who would like a brief one on one session to discuss anything related to food, nutrition during this Ramadan period.

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“I am a Holistic Nutritionist with an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Health Sciences. I grew up in Guinea, West Africa with a fierce mother who made the decision to cut out processed foods, simple sugars, MSG, vegetable oils, etc. based on her belief that the foods we eat impact our health. She was and is a visionary, and determined, despite being from a culture that is so heavily dependent on deep frying foods, MSG (especially through the use of Maggi or bouillon), etc. To be honest, this was very strange for us and we often envied all those who indulged in pastries, french fries, etc. However, the impact of her choice is what led me to pursue a career in holistic nutrition.

We have more control over our food choices than we have been led to believe. I come from a culture where the topic of nutrition only comes up when there is a diagnosis of an illness. The foods we eat impact us on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. Nutrition is truly everyone’s business. I want to educate clients and bring awareness of the impact of food on health, wellbeing, and quality of life. I want to help my clients gain confidence in making better food choices for themselves and their families and provide support as they make a change.”